Friday, 16 March 2007

First posting!! Hey hey!!

Hi everyone. First time posting a blog item for me! It's quite un-nerving really but I guess it gets better with time. I mean, people like Jeff Ooi, Kenny Sia and even 18-year old blog-o-genius Su Ann aka Pink Pau, they blog like they're breathing or something. Or in between waiting for the commercial break to be over, they blog an entry...having said that that though, it's actually been something that I've wanted to do for a long time now and it finally took my job to coerce me to do this.

I basically work for Google and I'm based in Malaysia as their Country Consultant for Malaysia. Heh. So what does that mean or entail?

Does Google consult me? Do advertising clients consult me? Heh, or does the Country consult me? :-)

Actually I do quite a few things but most of the time I spend working with Google to ensure that the local user-experience - across the many Google products, is a good one and that entails being responsive to user-feedback and market preferences and being open to not just praises yada-yada but also constructive criticism and suggestions. So bring on your comments!

I also work with advertisers in Malaysia - both current and future Google clients, to build up their knowledge about, and also promote, Search-Engine Marketing (or Advertising) and specifically, Google's AdWords and AdSense programmes. Wanna know more about these programmes - check out the link to AdWords here and for AdSense, refer here.

Anyway, lot's more in due time. Watch this space.... blogger virgin no more!! ;-P


Praveen said...

The first post is always hard. Keeping the momentum going from that point onwards is harder ;)

Bravo, as you've been keeping it together for a while now.

"...they blog like they're breathing or something" had me in stitches!

Hanson said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement. It's certainly been a busy week, but I guess that means more to blog about eh...Cheers.